Monday 13 November 2017

Homework 13th - 17th November

Homework: 13th - 17th November

***Tomorrow I will be sending home the children's Learn Together scrapbooks. These are a work in progress. Please have a look at your child's work, chat about it with them, and sign it beside the 'Parent Signature' stamp before returning it to school. This week I will also be sending home some loose worksheets and artwork the children have completed since starting Junior Infants. Please note that this is not the extent of the work we have completed in school. We do a lot of hands on activities, as well as learning through games/ play. We also have activity books in school which I'll send home at a later date.

Monday: ‘c’ and 'k' worksheet 
1.     Practice the letter formation for ‘c’ and 'k' using the short chant to help. Please form good habits early by using the correct pencil grip. Thanks!
2.     Colour the picture.
3.     Listen to and sing the Jolly Phonics ‘c’ and 'k' song we learnt in school today. (Link below.) As you sing, practice the action for ‘c’/'k' (same action).
  4. Learn to recognise our tricky word of the week ‘me’.  Revise over 'the', 'he', 'she', 'I'. (See homework helpers sheet – Tricky Words.)

Tuesday: My Sounds Booklet pg. 7/8 - ‘c’ and 'k' (PLEASE DO NOT DO PG. 9 (ck) AS WE WILL BE DOING THIS AT A LATER DATE.)
1.     Practice writing ‘c’ and 'k' at the top.
2.     Draw or stick in pictures from a magazine/ newspaper/ middle of the book that start with ‘c’ and 'k' underneath.
3.     Sing the Jolly Phonics ‘c’/'k' song and do the action.
4.     Practice our tricky word of the week ‘me’Revise over 'the', 'he', 'she', 'I'(See homework helpers sheet – Tricky Words)

Wednesday: ‘e’ worksheet 
1.     Practice the letter formation for ‘e’ using the short chant to help. Please form good habits early by using the correct pencil grip. Thanks!
2.     Colour the picture.
3.     Listen to and sing the Jolly Phonics 'e’ song we learnt in school today. (Link below) As you sing, practice the action for ‘e’.
4.     Keep practicing our tricky word of the week ‘me’Revise over 'the', 'he', 'she', 'I'(See homework helpers sheet – Tricky Words)

Thursday: My Sounds Booklet pg. 10 - ‘e’
1.     Practice writing ‘e’ at the top.
2.     Draw or stick in pictures from a magazine/ newspaper that start with ‘e’ underneath.
3.     Sing the Jolly Phonics ‘e’ song and do the action.
4.     Tricky word of the week ‘me’Revise over 'the', 'he', 'she', 'I'(See homework helpers sheet – Tricky Words.)

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